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    We can sometimes hide from ourselves, but we can never lose connection to our mission. It is always with us, beckoning to be uncovered and fulfilled. When we decide to follow our dreams and step into our greatness, we must be prepared for resistance. Past fears, doubts, and insecurities surface, as do self-limiting beliefs. Will we allow these fears to immobilize us, or will we recognize the power we have to live life to the fullest?
  • Meet Dennis

    Today, as Executive Director of the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation, Dennis continues his mission to support, educate and inspire others in their journey.  Dennis draws upon his experiences of living as a burn survivor with a physical difference since childhood to illustrate the unlimited potential we have to tap into our GOD-GIVEN GIFTS AND TALENTS to navigate successfully through all the storms of life. Get to Know Dennis
  • Inspirational Stories

Take joy in this amazing journey called life, and get excited about the gifts tomorrow may bring… endeavor to always remain receptive to life’s teachable moments about LOVE & GRACE!

Dennis J. Gardin